Bitcoin Articles

Many amazing articles have been written about Bitcoin. I am aware that trying to link to all of them is futile, but I want to make an effort and at least highlight some of them. I highly recommend the literature listed at the Nakamoto Institute, the selection of articles read by Guy Swann, and the writings collected by Adam Taché.

One of the best articles to read if you are new to Bitcoin is La Tesis Alcista de Bitcoin, which outlines why there are very good reasons to be optimistic about Bitcoin’s future.

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Article Series #

The Difficulty of Understanding Bitcoin #

Bitcoin isn’t exactly easy to understand. Some of the reasons for this phenomenon are explored in the following articles:

I explore the multi-disciplinary nature of Bitcoin in 21 Lessons.

Bitcoin’s Uniqueness #

Why Bitcoin, and not something else? Because Bitcoin matters, Bitcoin is unique, Bitcoin is fair, and Bitcoin is way better than you think.

Money #

If you aren’t ready yet to read books on money, these articles are a great entry point to start learning about the purpose and history of money.

I wrote about money and the history and downfall of money in Lesson 11 and Lesson 12.

Proof-of-work #

In my opinion, proof-of-work is one of the most misunderstood parts of the Bitcoin puzzle. It solves multiple problems, making it one of the most integral parts of the system. The following articles explore proof-of-work in more detail:

I wrote about how I changed my view on proof of work in Bitcoin’s Energy Consumption: A shift in perspective and in Lesson 17.

Bitcoin’s Identity #

What is Bitcoin? This question is surprisingly difficult to answer. It is a network (Bitcoin), money (bitcoin), software (various implementations), an idea (the white paper), an immutable record of ownership (Bitcoin’s ledger, aka the “block chain”), a movement, a monetary revolution, and more.

I explore Bitcoin’s identity in Lesson 4 and Bitcoin’s Gravity.

A Social Revolution #

Bitcoin is not only a technological, financial, and monetary phenomenon, it is also a global revolution. Bitcoin captures the hearts and minds of people all over the world, changing society in the process. Today, tens of thousands of “closet bitcoiners” exist worldwide, and Bitcoin has developed a zealous cult following.

I explore some of the societal impacts in Lesson 1 and wrote about some of these impacts in The Rise of the Sovereign Individual.

Who Controls Bitcoin? #

One of the first responses of people learning about Bitcoin is “Yeah yeah I get it
 but who controls it?” The question of control is not an easy one to answer, because you have to understand the whole system on a pretty deep level to answer it. The following articles might help.

I explore the question of control (and censorability) in Lesson 6 and in The Magic Dust of Cryptography.

Bitcoin as a Living Organism #

Ralph Merkle famously called Bitcoin “the first example of a new form of life.”. Others developed this idea further, which is - in my opinion - one of the most useful analogies to understand Bitcoin.

I explore the idea of Bitcoin as a living organism in Proof of Life and Bitcoin’s Habitats.

Hyperbitcoinization #

The concept of Hyperbitcoinization describes the inflection point at which Bitcoin becomes the default value system of the world. Like a hyperinflation event, it is postulated that this process will happen gradually, than suddenly.

Cypherpunks #

Bitcoin is cypherpunk technology. Made by a cypherpunk, based on cypherpunk ideas. I consider exposure to the ideas and ideals of cypherpunk culture essential.

Privacy #

Without digital cash, a cashless society is a surveillance society. While privacy in Bitcoin is not a given, there are various ways to transact privately. The following resources discuss these possibilities, why the right to transact privately is essential, and why it has to be protected.

Misc #

The following are what I consider excellent articles that didn’t fit into one of my arbitrarily chosen categories above.

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Table of Contents #